Susan's Site...

A life without birds
is like a day without sunshine!

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Big Year 2022

Welcome to my Big Year Blog. Please see below for my various blogs in 2022 which shares stories and photos about my quest to see and photograph 300 Ontario Birds during 2022. Enjoy!

Best of 2021 Facebook Images

January 21, 2022

In 2021, I challenged myself to post a photo a day to Facebook of pictures that I took during the year. This started as a diversion to get myself and my friends through the Covid lockdown period, but it soon became a passion.

It was sometimes difficult to force myself to get out and find something new to photograph, but encouragement and positive feedback from my friends and family inspired me to continue (and now complete) this project.

This short video captures my favourite photos from the year. I hope that you enjoy the photos as much as I have enjoyed taking them.
