Susan's Site...

A life without birds
is like a day without sunshine!

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Welcome to my website!

I'm Susan Nagy, an avid birder that lives in Ontario, Canada. My hobbies are travel, photography, and... Birds!

In 2022, I completed an Ontario Big Year and saw 335 different species of birds. I started my first blog to record the adventure and share some of my stories. If you would like to read my blog from 2022, please click here.

I have spent 2023 getting caught up on everything I neglected during 2022 and am now ready to start planning my next adventure: a Canada Big Year!

My husband Jim and I had decided to spend 2025 travelling and exploring our beautiful country. We had planned to visit every province at least once and every territory seeing as many birds as we can but also playing tourist and enjoying all the other great stuff that Canada has to offer: scenery, wildlife, food and people.

Unfortunately, life has not cooperated with us and we have had to change our plans. Please visit my latest blog for an update:

Blog: Life Changes

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Stay safe and Happy Birding!


Canada's Most Enthusiastic
Birding Tourists